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Home of Holism

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Home of Holism

Home of Holism gently challenges the concept of ‘retreat’. Instead of looking far afield to find an escape from daily life, its creators – House of Grey – start the search a little closer to home. Home of Holism is an example of how one’s day to day home and work environments can be restful and restorative, and provide the solace and serenity required to recharge and relax.

“Limiting stress starts with the environments we live and work in. If the home provides your daily retreat, there is no reason why the workplace cannot transcend to the same level.”Louisa Grey, Founder of House of Grey

Behind Home of Holism’s townhouse façade are interiors that invite one to live the ‘holiday life’. The holistic approach taken to the design considers not just how items and materials look and feel, but also, how they perform for the seamless running of a home or workspace.

The materials used have been chosen in line with House of Grey’s sustainability principles and for their Circular Salutogenic Design qualities. Non-toxic, natural resources are the focus, as they create calm, reduce stress and increase cognitive performance, boosting collective creativity.

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