

We explore the role that design plays in our homes. Our journal includes stories told to us by some of our favourite artists, designers, crafters, makers and friends.

House Tours.
Spruce House by ao-ft
Wayland House by Lolita Colenso Design - Aucoot Journal - Arts and Crafts House Renovation - Plain English Kitchen
House Tours.
An Arts and Crafts House Transformation
CLT House by Unknown Works - Aucoot Journal - Modern House Renovation using CLT
House Tours.
The CLT House by Unknown Works
House Tours.
A Modern London Mews House by Trewhela Williams
House Tours.
Magpie House by DGN Studio
The Agency.
Recent successes – a letter from our director
House Tours.
Clay Retreat by PAD Studio – a modern house in the New Forest
House Tours.
CG Residence by DEDRAFT Architects
House Tours.
Loader Monteith – reviving High Sunderland
Inglis Hall Kitchen Design - Aucoot Journal - Kitchen renovation
Aucoot's Favourites.
Inglis Hall Kitchen Design – The Kitchen Makers
House Tours.
Douglas Fir House by Christian Brailey
Aucoot Abridged.
The Legacy of British Designer David Mellor
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